Hello. I am Judy Sokei. I was a philosophy lecturer at a junior college for 17 years before getting a JD at the University of Hawaii in 2016. It was during law school that I experienced overwhelming anxiety and depression, which took a toll on me both physically and psychologically. In 2009, I was introduced to the teachings of Abraham Hicks but it was not until 2015, during law school that I finally heard their wisdom again, spoken by a guest lecturer in my evening legal ethics class. He quoted a line from Eckart Tolle’s book The Power of Now, “You are not your thoughts.” After class, I bought and began reading Tolle’s book. It connected me to what I understood to be universally True. I knew that my disillusioned life at the time could only be upleveled if I reconnected to this Truth. Socrates had taught the same, but was condemned to death for his teaching in 399 B.C.E. Between 2019-2024, I quieted my external life and began listening to the wisdom of present-day channels—THEO, Abraham, The Guides, Kryon, Bashar, etc. I was in awe! How is it that such wise beings are among us today, and why are we not all paying attention to them? They remind us that we are more than our human bodies or socialized constructs. We are fundamentally Spirits or Divine Beings. I am not a channeler or psychiatrist, but I feel blessed to have been a student of THEO and to be able to share THEO’s Soul Integration™ process. In my opinion, their method provides all to pursue the best possible life, which is the goal of every philosophical endeavor. We must nurture our Souls. My hope is to assist individuals to nurture their souls now, and in doing so, they will nurture a fuller and more beautiful life here on earth. Thank you.