Elevate Your Well-Being Through Soul Integration™
Our Services
Allow a Soul Integration,™ Certified by The THEO Group, Inc., Facilitator assist you in discovering an aspect of self that wants attention and requires nurturing, and through integration and decisive action, will assist in elevating your life. (Session conducted via Zoom Meeting. Duration is approximately 60 minutes.)
Soul-Integration Session I
Advanced session(s). Discover other aspects of your life that challenge your forward momentum. Remove limiting beliefs that do not serve you and replace them with more self-awareness, such that greater possible manifestations can enter your life. (Session conducted via Zoom Meeting. Duration is approximately 60 minutes.)
Soul-Integration Session II (Advanced Service)
This package allows you to work with a Facilitator over three sessions. While a Soul-Integration session plants the seed to greater self-discovery, three successive sessions will allow a certified facilitator to guide and accelerate your momentum to self-discoveries and desired outcomes. The initial session will include a written summary and commentary to guide this journey forward. (Sessions conducted via Zoom Meetings. Approximately 60 minutes per session.)
Soul-Integration Package (Three 1-Hour Sessions)

Schedule your appointment
Our online sessions are designed to privately assist you to achieve lasting well-being from the comfort of your own home.
About The Soul-Integration Project
At the heart of our practice is a commitment to re-introduce the ancient wisdom of the past (e.g., the oral words of Socrates, Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammad) as they are now being re-taught, or made re-known anew, through the wisdom of present-day channels (e.g., the oral and written words of THEO, Abraham Hicks, Bashar, The Guides, Kryon, and others). Today, we have an amazing opportunity to live wisely, as if Socrates, Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammad are living and teaching among us. It is no coincidence that the messages that the ancient wisemen and present-day channels espouse the same: we are souls. The Soul-Integration Project is focused on celebrating this fundamental TRUTH, making it universally known, and the Soul Integration™ process available for all to become aware of and live their full potential. Over 2,500 years, we have pursued science to understand and cultivate our physical and psychological aspects of life. Now is our time to learn from the living wise to know who we truly are and thus create the life we have always desired.
Our facilitators are Soul Integration™ Certified by The THEO Group Inc. We utilize the Soul Integration™ process by THEO, to assist clients to integrate fragments of their lives (e.g., a historical event of physical or psychological trauma, which the individual perpetuates through negative emotions) that have left them feeling less than whole, paralyzing them to live fully in the present. As Facilitators, we guide each client to release a life of fear and anxiety to embrace one of self-love and confidence. Our hope is to remind you of who you truly are—as Spirit (i.e., a Soul or Divine Being, of Christ Consciousness). Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher, taught that the good life requires man to care for his mind, body, and spirit. Through the Soul Integration™ process, we assist you to nurture the wholeness of who you are. r goal is to enable you to pursue your best life—a wonderful life where heaven is created on earth.

Who is THEO?
“We are 12 archangelic beings – speaking in one voice – here to be mentors and teachers. We are guides into this new future, into this time of masterfulness, for all humanity is ready now to accept that within themselves. We are here to enlighten, to open beings to the possibilities and the miraculous.” – THEO – speaking through author and spiritual medium Sheila Gillette
What is Soul Integration?
“It is a process that leads to emotional mastery as you come into that full love of self in a soul-centered way. Then what occurs is that no matter what occurs in your life, there is a calm and peace within you and an understanding that this too will pass, for it is only an opportunity of growth that has presented itself. So, the entirety of belief of victimization then is released.” THEO – speaking through author and spiritual medium Sheila Gillette